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Real Time Visibility:

The Missing Ingredient to Higher Productivity

Date: Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Time: 2:00 PM ET/11:00 AM PT
Duration & Cost: 60 minutes & FREE


Glenn DeRossett

Senior Vice President of Operations and Finance

Discount Labels


Jeff Daley

Director of Operational Excellence



Jay Foster

CEO and Founder



Cory Francer


Packaging Impressions


In today’s packaging environment, speed to market and quick turnaround times are more important than ever, and improving productivity is a top-of-mind objective across the industry. But locating areas in need of improvement can be a complex and time-consuming endeavor, with multiple production processes to monitor and track within a facility. By harnessing the power of real time production data, and making it visible to the entire operation, package printers and converters are utilizing Visual Factory techniques to raise awareness and identify low-hanging fruit for common-sense process improvement.

In this webinar, we’ll hear from multiple packaging companies who have invested in real time data solutions and have leveraged these tools to boost their productivity. These package printers will share their experiences in implementing the technology and will provide tangible examples of how it improved their operations. Additionally, our panelists will offer best practices in how to introduce these tools to the full team and garner buy-in from the production teams who will benefit from this increase in data visibility.

Tune in to this webinar to learn:

  • Why real-time data collection directly from equipment is so beneficial in manufacturing.

  • Strategies to leverage real-time scorecards and dashboards based on standard work.

  • How real-time decision support can help you become more predictable, despite shorter runs.

  • How to develop a company culture that embraces real time feedback as a tool for improvement.

Questions? Email us at or give us a call at (540) 345-1045.

In this article we leveraged our decades of experience to provide the industry with valuable insights about how Real Time Visibility can help Bridge the Productivity Gap, eliminate inefficiencies and maintain profitability.


Read all about it!


Flex is very proud to be sponsoring our first webinar of 2021!  We bring together the leaders of companies that have invested in real time data solutions and have leveraged these tools to boost their productivity.  They will share their experiences and provide tangible examples and best practices on how to get buy-in from the teams that will benefit the most from this increase in data visibility.  Don't miss it!

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